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Our strategy – sustainably successful

The strategic focus: Sustainability, excellence and growth.

We are focussing on three strategic pillars in order to remain successful in the long term – sustainability, excellence and growth. Over the coming years, we will continue on the path we have already taken towards becoming an even more sustainable and equally profitable company.

The extraordinarily good business result achieved recently gives us stability and a tailwind to consequently continue our sustainability and growth strategy. We have been successfully producing sugar from sugar cane in Australia for five years now, and our subsidiary Mackay Sugar there is making a growing contribution to the overall result every year. This first growth step outside of beet sugar and outside of Europe has been consistently positive.

We see great potential in our new business area of plant-based proteins, in which we are investing around 100 million Euro. We are entering this promising growth market close to agriculture with our own new factory, which is scheduled to go into operation in 2026.

We are also making major investments of more than 300 million Euro over the next five years in our sustainability programme GoGreen, thus creating the conditions for climate-neutral production by 2050.

In all of this, our excellence initiatives, through which we are driving forward the optimisation of our entire value chain, are making an important contribution to profitability. This puts us in a good position for the future.

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