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Sugar News

The Newsletter for the food industry

Welcome to our latest Sugar News. Have a look at Nordzucker`s overview on company news and markets. In this issue we report on the latest developments in the sugar market and we also continuosly report on Nordzucker’s further developments in beet growing and sustainability area.
Issue 3/2020 - 5 November 2020
Nordzucker and the EU Commision’s Green Deal
The Green Deal of the EU Commission is the implementation of the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations (UN) and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals […]
Issue 3/2020 - 5 November 2020
Approval in all topics: Nordzucker AG virtual general meeting
This year’s Annual General Meeting of Nordzucker AG was held in virtual form due to the corona pandemic. The event was broadcasted on the Internet […]