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Sugar News

The Newsletter for the food industry

Welcome to our latest Sugar News. Have a look at Nordzucker`s overview on company news and markets. In this issue we report on the latest developments in the sugar market and we also continuosly report on Nordzucker’s further developments in beet growing and sustainability area.
Issue 1/2022 - 8 February 2022
EU sugar market update
In this article, we will look into developments in the European sugar market since our latest newsletter sent out end of last year.
Issue 1/2022 - 8 February 2022
Nordzucker has successfully concluded the 2021/22 campaign
Overall, the campaign went well at all production sites. Some of the yields are well above average. Corona infection chains were largely prevented at the factories.
Issue 1/2022 - 8 February 2022
Mackay Sugar: Second best harvest in the last ten years
After a busy season, Mackay Sugar has completed the 2021 crush in Australia. More than 5.3 million tonnes of cane with an average CCS (Commercial Cane Sugar) of 13.7 per cent (comparable to sugar content minus yield loss for sugar beets) was processed.
Issue 1/2022 - 8 February 2022
Go Green - Nordzucker optimistic about self-imposed CO₂ targets
With its Go Green program, Nordzucker has committed itself to an extremely ambitious goal of getting sugar out of sugar beet without fossil fuels by 2050 at the latest.
Issue 1/2022 - 8 February 2022
Executive Board restructured - focus on sustainability, excellence and growth
Alexander Godow joint the board on 1st January, while Axel Aumueller will leave 28th February. As a result and from 1 March 2022, the structure of Nordzucker AG's Executive Board responsibilities will be restructured.
Issue 3/2021 - 8 November 2021
World market development
Sugar prices continued its uptrend during the 3rd quarter, along with most other commodities, to reach USc20.61/lbs early October – the highest price level since early 2017.
Issue 3/2021 - 8 November 2021
EU sugar market update
In this article, we will look into developments in the European sugar market since our latest newsletter sent out during February this year.
Issue 3/2021 - 8 November 2021
Campaign 2021/22: Factories off to a good start
Currently, many Nordzucker factories have processed about a quarter of their planned beet volume.
Issue 3/2021 - 8 November 2021
First field days have taken place again
This year Nordzucker has again set up trials in sugar beet together with the sugar beet growers' associations and the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture.
Issue 3/2021 - 8 November 2021
Go Green – CO₂-neutral production
Climate change makes it necessary to massively reduce CO2 emissions in order to ensure a good life for future generations on earth.