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Sugar News

The Newsletter for the food industry

Welcome to our latest Sugar News. Have a look at Nordzucker`s overview on company news and markets. Welcome to our latest Sugar News. Have a look at Nordzucker`s overview on company news and markets. In this issue we report on the latest developments in the sugar market and we also continuosly report on Nordzucker’s further developments in beet growing and sustainability area.
Issue 3/2022 - 8 November 2022
EU sugar market update
In this article, we will investigate developments in the European sugar market since our latest newsletter sent out during June this year. How did the […]
Issue 3/2022 - 8 November 2022
Campaign 2022/23: energy supply for the factories secured
Many Nordzucker factories have currently processed about a third of their planned beet volume. In most factories, the campaign has run without any major disruptions […]
Issue 3/2022 - 8 November 2022
Crush in Australia
In Australia, the campaign, the so-called “crush”, has been running since mid-June. The amount processed so far (more than 50 percent of the expected amount) […]
Issue 3/2022 - 8 November 2022
Nordzucker is ready for validation of the Science Based Targets
In 2021, Nordzucker signed the Science Based Targets initiative commitment. Under this commitment, we focus on setting and implementing credible and science-based climate targets. Now, Nordzucker […]
Issue 2/2022 - 7 June 2022
World market development
Even though we are in a much different world today than at the time of the last report, with explosive commodity prices and inflation being […]
Issue 2/2022 - 7 June 2022
EU sugar market update
In this article, we will investigate developments in the European sugar market since our latest newsletter sent out early this year. How did the fundamentals […]
Issue 2/2022 - 7 June 2022
Sugar beet has caught up after a cold april
After the rather hesitant development of sugar beet in all regions of our cultivation area due to a cool April, the plants have caught up. […]
Issue 2/2022 - 7 June 2022
Prepare what we can!
The effects of the war in Ukraine are putting a strain on global economic relations. Particular focus is being placed on the need to secure […]
Issue 1/2022 - 8 February 2022
World market development
Sugar prices have traded in a slight downward trend since reaching the highs in November. More rain in Brazil and better crop outlooks in India and Thailand than anticipated are the main reasons for raw sugar to trade back below USc18/lbs, down from USc20.60/lbs seen in November.
Issue 1/2022 - 8 February 2022
EU sugar market update
In this article, we will look into developments in the European sugar market since our latest newsletter sent out end of last year.