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Sugar News

The Newsletter for the food industry

Welcome to our latest Sugar News. Have a look at Nordzucker`s overview on company news and markets. Welcome to our latest Sugar News. Have a look at Nordzucker`s overview on company news and markets. In this issue we report on the latest developments in the sugar market and we also continuosly report on Nordzucker’s further developments in beet growing and sustainability area.
Issue 3/2023 extra - 20 November 2023
New business segment: Nordzucker invests in plant-based proteins – new plant goes into operation in 2026
Nordzucker continues to grow and is expanding its portfolio. The company is investing more than 100 million Euro in the production of plant-based proteins. Nordzucker […]
Issue 3/2023 - 9 November 2023
World market development
After a rather sluggish summer, world market prices for raw sugar recouped lost ground during August and September. In early November prices broke through USc28/lbs […]
Issue 3/2023 - 9 November 2023
EU market update
In this article, we will investigate developments in the European sugar market since our latest newsletter sent out during February this year. How did the […]
Issue 3/2023 - 9 November 2023
Stable campaign underway
With the final start of processing on 11 October at the Nakskov plant (Denmark), all Nordzucker plants have started processing beet. As has been standard […]
Issue 3/2023 - 9 November 2023
Campaign 2023 - Why does the sugar beet have such a low sugar content?
The campaign is stable in the Nordzucker factories, but with sugar beet that has a relatively low sugar content. High beet volumes with low sugar […]
Issue 3/2023 - 9 November 2023
New sugar silo in Nordstemmen increases storage capacity and flexibility
Nordzucker has started construction of a new sugar silo in Nordstemmen. The silo will considerably increase storage capacity at the Nordstemmen site, reduce truck traffic […]
Issue 3/2023 - 9 November 2023
Sustainability at the Nordstemmen sugar factory: New climate-friendly energy distribution system
As part of the GoGreen programme, Nordzucker commissioned a new climate-friendly, fluorine gas-free medium-voltage switchgear in Nordstemmen on 7 September 2023. In future, the medium-voltage […]
Issue 3/2023 - 9 November 2023
Crush in Australia
Sugar cane has been processed in the three sugar mills in Australia since the beginning of June. Heavy rainfall in July led to unusually long […]
Issue 2/2023 - 6 June 2023
World market development
The sugar market continuously surprised on the upside during the spring months, reaching as high as USc27.41/lbs by the last days of April. The tightness […]
Issue 2/2023 - 6 June 2023
EU market update
In this article, we will investigate developments in the European sugar market since our latest newsletter sent out during February this year. How did the […]