10 June 2024
Nordzucker Plant Based Ingredients: Contract offers for pea cultivation 2025
‘The yellow grain pea is an exciting crop because it fits into many crop rotations due to its ability to collect nitrogen for subsequent crops. Contract cultivation offers farmers attractive business opportunities and additional added value.’
Contract cultivation is intended to secure the supply of raw materials. From 2026, the grain peas in Groß Munzel will primarily be processed into protein concentrates and texturates for the food and animal feed industry. Preference will be given to cultivation in Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Hessen.
Nordzucker Plant Based Ingredients will be making initial contract offers from mid-June 2024 for the start of cultivation planned for 2025. The prerequisite for this is online registration at www.plant-based-ingredients.de by 7 June 2024.