8 February 2022
Nordzucker has successfully concluded the 2021/22 campaign
Overall, the campaign went well at all production sites. Some of the yields are well above average. Corona infection chains were largely prevented at the factories.
Sugar production from sugar beet has been successfully completed in all factories. The campaign was completed in Finland and Lithuania before the end of the year, in Poland and Slovakia in the first decade of January and in Germany and Denmark in mid to late January. On average for all factories the campaign will last 122 days (previous year: 118 days). In Germany, Denmark and Lithuania, 184,000 (160,400) tonnes of organic beet were also processed into organic sugar again in the first days of the campaign.
In total, over 17 (16.6) million tonnes of sugar beet were processed. As in other sectors of the economy, there were supply bottlenecks and cost increases for auxiliary materials and energy.
Sufficient and well-distributed rainfall during the summer in almost all European growing regions resulted in above-average beet yields of an assumed 72.1 (69.5) tonnes of sugar beet per hectare with a sugar content of 17.7 (17.7) per cent. This corresponds to a sugar yield per hectare of 12.8 (12.3) tonnes. Germany even achieved one of the highest sugar yields ever, with an average of almost 80 (74.4) tonnes of beet per hectare (73 tonnes in the 5-year average) and a sugar content of about 18 (18.3) per cent, at 14.2 (13.6) tonnes of sugar per hectare.