5 November 2020
Nordzucker and the EU Commision’s Green Deal
The Green Deal of the EU Commission is the implementation of the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations (UN) and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to create a more socially, economically and ecologically sustainable world within ten years. By 2050, climate neutrality is also to be achieved, environmental pollution is to be curbed, and human life and the animal and plant world are to be protected. EU companies are to be world leaders in clean products and technologies and no one is to be left behind along the way. The Green Deal will bring change in all areas of our lives and economies. The “Farm-to-Fork” strategy, the biodiversity strategy and the mobilization of the industry for a clean and recyclingoriented economy will affect our core areas from beet to sugar. Long before the announcements of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Nordzucker had already acknowledged the opportunities in this process. With our Smart Beet Initiative, we are already working intensively to actively address the changing requirements in crop protection, fertilization, water supply and biodiversity and to make sugar beet cultivation sustainably fit for the future. From field robots to ladybugs, we are testing and investigating possible alternatives to the methods used to date. The EU’s greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by at least 55 percent by 2030 compared with 1990. In recent years, we have already achieved a great deal by reducing our energy consumption and CO₂ emissions, and have already met these targets at some sites. By 2030 we want to phase out coal, CO₂ neutrality is our goal by 2050 at the latest. Our “Go Green” program to convert all our plants to renewable energies is in the start-up phase. At present, the potential of possible technologies and their applicability are being examined, economically evaluated and brought to the point where they will be ready for use in a few years. Sustainability is already an integral part of our business activities. Together with our partners in agriculture, production and logistics, we are leading the way in these changes. However, the European Green Deal requires high investments and represents a challenge that requires a level and fair competitive environment in Europe for beet cultivation and sugar production.