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8 February 2021

Mackay Sugar ends successful 2020 “crushing season”

After a good six months, MSL has completed the 2020 “crushing season” (processing period) in Australia. More than 5.1 million tons of cane were processed. After cane processing started in early June, the Farleigh mills successfully completed the crushing season after just over six months on December 7 and Racecourse and Marian on December 10, 2020.

Even though rainfall repeatedly led to short interruptions of up to three days during the processing period, the entire cane could be crushed. Because sugar cane cannot be harvested for stock and cannot be delivered to the mill during heavy rains, such weather-related interruptions, though not desirable, are not unusual. The rainfalls that are currently expected during the rainy season over the summer months (Winter in Europe = Summer in Australia), which this time were intensified by the El Niña phenomenon, have been good for cane growth since the end of processing. These weeks, after the rain, growers are waiting for the necessary and also announced sunshine with corresponding high temperatures.

A total of approximately 5.15 million tons of sugar cane were processed with an average of 14.1% Commercial Cane Sugar (CCS) (comparable to sugar content minus yield loss for sugar beets). Both values are above average and expectations for the season. A very pleasing result for both MSL and the growers.