8 November 2021
First field days have taken place again
This year Nordzucker has again set up trials in sugar beet together with the sugar beet growers’ associations and the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture. Additional trials were set up in all countries, not only as part of our Smart Beet Initiative (SBI). The annual variety trials, herbicide and fungicide trials are just as important for the further development of sugar beet cultivation as the trials on fertilisation.
The Lower Saxony Sugar Beet Day took place again this year. The variety trials with the question of leaf-healthy varieties and the fungicide trials were a focus here. With decreasing active substances, leaf diseases must be avoided in the future. One way is to breed healthier varieties through tolerance or resistance.
But also in the other countries, the first meetings with growers took place again in the field. Here, the SBI and other herbicide and fungicide trials could then be shown.
After the harvest, the results of the trials will be evaluated. We will provide information on this at the events in the countries.