8 November 2021
Cooperation with SAI #GrowingABetterPlanet
Nordzucker has produced a video together with the SAI platform to highlight the importance of the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) when sourcing sugar beet for Nordzucker. The “GrowingABetterPlanet” campaign aims to raise awareness among other food and beverage producers to join the SAI Platform and align themselves with common principles for sustainable agriculture. Currently, the SAI Platform has around 100 members who are engaged in an ongoing dialogue about what sustainable agriculture should look like in global supply chains.
Nordzucker has chosen to play a proactive role in the SAI Platform from the outset, introducing the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) in all our countries and helping to develop the FSA from version 2.1 to the new version 3.0. In practice, this means that we share our positive and negative experiences by using a global standard and exchanging ideas on how to apply it to sugar beet and our beet farmers.
The Video you can find here.