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Open days at Chełmża and Opalenica

Our factories open their doors

Open day in our factories in Poland – this initiative has been a success over many years and provides enjoyment for employees, families and guests.

Always a success – Open Days at Chełmża and Opalenica factories

“At the turn of November and December 2019, the ‘Open Days’ once again took place at the Chełmża and Opalenica sugar factories.

Several hundred people visited our factories: farmers, employees of Nordzucker Polska together with their families and students from schools and colleges.

During the “Open Days” guests had the opportunity to see our factory, to see part of the production processes and to learn, that beside of raw material, machinery and technology sugar production requires the passion, commitment and experience of our employees.

The journey in which we invited guests began with our film “From beet to sugar“, then we acquainted all guests with the rules on safety and movement during a trip in our factory. We continued with the core topic “beet” and the process of its transformation into sugar. All guests had the opportunity to touch and smell the raw materials, to see semi-finished and finished products, some even tried a taste

Then we continued with the promised tour of the Factory explaining the process from “beet to sugar”.

We heard from many family members of our employees, growers and school management many warm words and thanks for organization and the opportunity to get to know us better. This is a very nice motivation for us to organize the next “Open Days” in the coming years“.

The extraction and crystallization of sugar takes place in many individual steps. A look behind the scenes provides clarification and is exciting at the same time.

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