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Nordzucker Post 2/2024 - 23 May 2024

The Azubi-Talk! – successful and award-winning

The Azubi-Talk! – a joint initiative of Nordzucker and the “Schule trifft Wirtschaft” network – has been awarded the coveted the German “Bildungspreis der Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK)”.

On 13 May 2024, Azubi-Talk! won the the German Bildungspreis der Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK). Lars Wärmer, Ausbildungsleiter at Nordzucker’s Klein Wanzleben site, is delighted with the success of his apprentices: “Winning the DIHK Education Award is a great honour for us. I am very pleased about this award, because it shows how young people can inspire others with creative ideas for training occupations. The concept works! “

Marco Will, Head of Human Resources Germany, is delighted with this award: “With our Azubi-Talk! we have created a valuable initiative that promotes dialogue and strengthens young people for their professional future. It is an incredible honour to receive the DIHK’s education award for our Azubi-Talk! The apprentices at the Klein Wanzleben site have worked on this project with passion and creativity and I am proud that their efforts have been recognised. Many thanks to the DIHK and everyone involved in this success!”

The prize money of 6,000 Euro will be donated to the School Meets Business network to promote AzubiTalk! in the region.

Training has traditionally been a high priority at Nordzucker. Our aim is to promote young talents and achieve success together with them. Lars Wärmer, has launched the interactive, digital format Azubi-Talk! into being in 2020. The apprentices show school pupils career opportunities in the Börde region and talk to guests from business and politics. The Azubi-Talk! is broadcast to the classroom via livestream and the pupils have the opportunity to ask questions in the chat. This is what makes the Azubi-Talk! so authentic, as the information comes directly from young apprentices who themselves were at the very beginning of their career choices. 

The German „Bildungspreis der Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK)“ is a prestigious award. This prize is awarded to companies that have recognised the importance of vocational training for their own business success and for their employees. The Minister of Education of Saxony-Anhalt, Eva Feußner, has taken over the patronage of the third season of Azubi-Talks! which started in March 2024.  

All information on the topic of training and dates for the Azubi-Talk! format can be found at www.nordzucker.com/de/menschen-bei-nordzucker/ausbildung/ausbildung-in-deutschland/.

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