Nordzucker Post 3/2023 - 27 July 2023
Sugar beet: state of development
After a spring characterised by cool phases, the sugar beet closed their rows in mid/late June. Compared to previous years, this is five to ten days later. However, the stocks (number of plants per hectare) are good and rainfall in July has been beneficial for growth. Nevertheless, rainfall is still lacking in almost all countries, although it varies from region to region, and sprinkler systems are in use in many places.
Field days were held again this year in all countries. Here we presented new findings in cultivation to farmers in cooperation with other institutions. Our Smart Beet Initiative trials play an important role here. With them, we are preparing sugar beet cultivation for future challenges. The focus is on adapting to reduced plant protection use through new techniques and the aspects of sustainable and integrated cultivation.
A total of far more than 30 field days were held in the countries where Nordzucker grows beet. In some cases, over 100 farmers per field day took advantage of the opportunities to get up to date.
Trial grubbing begins in August, on the basis of which the yield can be estimated much better. It remains an estimate, however, as the weather is unpredictable and can influence sugar yields in particular significantly and at short notice. Nevertheless, we at Nordzucker use the estimates to determine the exact start date of the campaign in September. We will report on the campaign progress in the next Nordzucker Post.