Nordzucker Post 02/2022 - 2 June 2022
Sugar beet has caught up after a cold April
After the rather hesitant development of sugar beet in all regions of our cultivation area due to a cool April, the plants have caught up. Rainfall and higher temperatures from mid-May onwards led to a growth spurt. However, more precise statements on yields can only be made with the test harvests beginning in early August, on the basis of which more accurate analyses will be carried out.
The time of row closure is expected in most countries, this year relatively late in mid to late June. Overall, rainfall and the associated soil moisture are still lacking this year, especially in deeper soil layers. This is of importance to ensure that the plants can supply themselves with the necessary nutrients. From July onwards, it is then a matter of keeping the leaves healthy until harvest. Healthy leafage ensures yield formation and quality assurance. In this phase it is important to observe the leaves closely in order to react to leaf diseases with a well-timed plant protection measure if necessary.