Nordzucker Post 04/2021 - 21 July 2021
Sugar beet growth has caught up
After the rather hesitant growth of sugar beet in all regions of our cultivation area, the beet have caught up. Rainfall and higher temperatures led to a growth boost from the end of May. Overall, a harvest that is at least average is expected now. Statements that are more precise can only be made with the trial harvests. The first one will take place at the beginning of August.
At the time of row closure, this year in mid/end June, leaf fertilisation measures will also be taken. However, due to the rainfall and the associated soil moisture in the topsoil, the requirement is not quite as high this year, as the nutrients are more readily available.
Monitoring for leaf diseases has now begun in the fields. Keeping the leaves healthy until harvest is an important part of securing yields and quality. The monitoring allows us to observe the course of the infestation and, if necessary, to support timely plant protection measures.