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Issue 01/2022 - 10 February 2022
Prize for apprentices in Klein Wanzleben
Klaus Ohlbricht, President of the Magdeburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce, awarded the 2021 Education Prize to Nordzucker, Klein Wanzleben plant, at a ceremony in […]
Lars Gorissen: Sugar and raw materials on the rise
Dear Readers, The price of sugar is currently experiencing upward trends on the world market. High demand in Asia and lower availability from India and […]
Intensive exchange with politics: For a sustainable energy supply
The Nordzucker Go Green program is arousing interest in politics and has become an integral part of our discussions with the state and federal levels. […]
This year Nordzucker has again set up trials in sugar beet together with the sugar beet growers’ associations and the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture. […]
Currently, many Nordzucker factories have processed about a quarter of their planned beet volume. Axel Aumüller, COO, says: “In most of the factories, the campaign […]
Nordzucker has produced a video together with the SAI platform to highlight the importance of the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) when sourcing sugar beet for […]