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Nordzucker Post 2/2024 - 23 May 2024

Mackay Sugar: Strong, motivated team and positive development

For five years, Nordzucker has held a majority stake in Mackay Sugar Ltd., the country’s second-largest sugar producer, which manufactures raw sugar from sugar cane at three sites in Australia. In April, Lars Gorissen, CEO, Michael Gerloff, Head of Business Unit Cane Sugar, and Henrik Pollmann, Head of Human Resources, travelled to Australia to meet colleagues and sugar cane growers at Mackay Sugar. During their stay, the agenda included intensive discussions on site and numerous visits to projects.

“The great team spirit was particularly noticeable when more than 600 colleagues came together for the employee forum. My previous impression of Mackay Sugar has been confirmed once again: a very well-coordinated management team, a motivated workforce and visible further development of the plants. Another positive aspect is that we are expecting another good sugar cane harvest this year,” emphasises Lars Gorissen. The crushing season will begin at the end of May/beginning of June.  

Lars Gorissen was particularly impressed by the large construction site in Marian, where new centrifuges are currently being installed. “It’s very exciting to see how they are working hand in hand under high pressure.” There are also plans to modernise the locomotives in order to introduce hybrid or electric locomotives.
Michael Gerloff, Head of Business Unit Cane Sugar, is pleased to see on every visit that Mackay Sugar is consistently pushing ahead with further development in all areas. “The positive impressions of our European colleagues also confirm this development,” he explains.

Six colleagues from Europe from three different Nordzucker countries are currently working in Australia again to support the maintenance work there. “The professional and interdisciplinary exchange helps us to grow even closer together as Nordzucker,” emphasises Henrik Pollmann.

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