Nordzucker Post 06/2021 - 21 October 2021
Intensive exchange with politics: For a sustainable energy supply
The Nordzucker Go Green program is arousing interest in politics and has become an integral part of our discussions with the state and federal levels. With the program, Nordzucker has flipped the switch on a Group-wide transition to a fossil-free energy supply by 2050 at the latest. During a visit to Schladen on 2 September by Lower Saxony’s Environment Minister Olaf Lies with a group of other SPD state and local politicians, the focus was on the question of a realistic energy source for the sugar factories. The energetic use of biomass from our beet pulp could be promising.
For Nordzucker, however, flexible use of the beet pulp is essential. Nordzucker would like to be allowed to decide freely, based on economic considerations, whether the beet pulp is to be used as animal feed or as a substrate for energy production in biogas plants. The decisive factor for this variable approach is the question of whether the beet pulp is considered waste or a product. According to the current political will, it would not be possible to use the product animal feed for energy purposes. Minister Lies has promised to discuss this issue in further talks with Nordzucker.
The challenges for a more sustainable economy have dominated the public and political debate not only since the elections in Germany on 26 September. In recent weeks, Nordzucker has held many talks with politicians at state and federal level. In addition to the topic of Go Green, our sustainability strategy in general has also met with pronounced interest.
Nordzucker is perceived by politicians as innovative, proactive and future-oriented. This is not least due to the Sustainability Strategy 2030 with its four pillars: Caring for people, sustainable procurement including beet cultivation, sustainable production and sustainable products.