Nordzucker Post 06/2021 - 21 October 2021
Good results in the first half-year
Nordzucker increased its sales in the first half of the year from 757 Million Euro to 899 Million Euro. With rising sugar prices and sales volumes, this increase was above expectations. An operating profit of 64 Million Euro was achieved due to the good development in the market and the implemented efficiency measures. In the same period last year, EBIT was 51 Million Euro. Nordzucker’s subsidiary Mackay Sugar Ltd. in Australia is also developing positively on the basis of the current high world market prices.
“The favourable market development has again improved our result this year. However, we would not have been able to achieve this comfortable result without our successfully implemented efficiency programme ActNow!”, says Alexander Bott CFO.
For the 2021/22 financial year, Nordzucker expects an operating profit above the previous year’s result of 81 Million Euro. “Even though we are currently benefiting from a good market situation, we must not forget that global market developments remain volatile. At the moment, not only the price of sugar is rising, but all prices for materials and especially for energy, which we need. An increase in costs cannot be avoided. This makes it all the more important to continue to push ahead with our planned excellence measures in the areas of logistics, production and agri,” explains Alexander Bott.