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Nordzucker Post 3/2024 - 25 July 2024

Good first quarter of 2024/25 confirms expectations

At the end of May 2024, the Nordzucker Group closed the first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year with a very good result.

At 692 million Euro, Group sales were once again above the high level of the same period last year (643 million Euro). The operating result (EBIT) increased to 124 million Euro. In the same period last year, earnings totalled 109 million Euro.

Nordzucker was still able to benefit from a high price level in the sugar market in the first quarter despite a slight decline in sales volumes.

However, sugar prices are currently following a downward trend. CFO Alexander Bott emphasises: ‘We are convinced that we are well prepared for the challenges ahead. Even if the demands are increasing significantly – especially on the sugar market and sustainability along the entire value chain. The stable financial situation with our high equity ratio and the contributions from our excellence initiatives help us to continue on our path to becoming a sustainable and profitable company. The first quarter of the 2024/25 financial year confirms the assumption that, despite the downturn in the sugar market, a good level of earnings for the year as a whole can also be achieved in this financial year.’

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