Nordzucker Post 04/2022 - 25 October 2022
Crush in Australia
In Australia, the campaign, the so-called “crush”, has been running since mid-June. The amount processed so far (more than 50 percent of the expected amount) is behind schedule due to delays in the start of the “crush”. Heavy rainfall in July meant that the cane could not be harvested at that time and the mills interrupted processing. These interruptions lead to an extension of the processing phase.
Daily processing is at a pleasingly high level, which is promising. In one week, the highest amount of cane since 2017 was even processed. Overall, however, the target for stable processing has not yet been reached. Meanwhile, planning for the next maintenance season has begun.
The yield expectation for the sugar cane has been revised upwards once again. The rainfall in July has had a positive effect on the cane’s growth. Compared to expectations, a good half million tons more of sugar cane will be harvested.