Nordzucker Post 02/2021 - 28 May 2021
Clarification and facts about sugar and nutrition
For more facts in the nutrition debate, the German sugar sector launched the campaign “Gegen Lebensmittelpopulismus” (Against Food Populism) in May. We also want to make our contribution against obesity and secondary diseases – with scientifically sound information and in support of our regional, sustainable product and the people behind it.
The nutrition debate in the public, the media and politics is increasingly characterised by false statements and half- knowledge, especially about sugar. Apparently, clicks and strong headlines count more than facts. Instead of teaching consumers the necessary nutritional competence and the complex causes of obesity and follow-up diseases, sugar is often attributed as the sole culprit for causing illness and fattening. Our product is thus discriminated against in the public debate.
The campaign of the German Sugar Association (WVZ) “Gegen Lebensittelpopulismus!” takes up the most common misconceptions against our sugar and counters them with provable facts. It is about the importance of calories, about supposedly healthier types of sugar from overseas imports or about the fairy tale of hidden sugar. The campaign stands up for our regional, sustainable product and the people behind it.
The campaign focuses mainly on social media. In the political centre of Berlin, special visibility is also ensured in May with posters at the main railway station and on the streets. More information you can find at www.gegen-lebensmittelpopulismus.de