Nordzucker Post 3/2023 - 27 July 2023
Annual General Meetings 2023: Good dividend andgood perspectives – sustainability course confirmed
At the Annual General Meetings of Nordzucker AG and Nordzucker Holding AG on 6 July 2023 in the Volkswagenhalle in Braunschweig, the shareholders confirmed the company’s course and approved the respective dividend proposal.
“We have further sharpened our strategy and set the course for more sustainability. This includes ambitious targets along the entire value chain. With our projects, initiatives and in the context of the good financial situation, we see ourselves well positioned to consistently continue on our path to becoming an even more sustainable company,” said CEO Lars Gorissen.
Jochen Johannes Juister, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Nordzucker AG, emphasised in his speech: “The importance and long-term positive outlook for the core business in the EU and the goal of growing in the sugar business outside Europe are important themes in the corporate strategy. So are sustainability and the expansion of new business areas. The Supervisory Board is convinced that Nordzucker can expand its competitiveness and successful position in the market with its strategy and the sustainability course it has adopted.” The Annual General Meeting approved the actions of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Nordzucker AG and Nordzucker Holding AG with a very large majority.
Details of the voting results of the 2023 Annual General Meeting can be found on website (in German):
Nordzucker AG
Nordzucker Holding AG
The recording of the speech (in German) by the Executive Board of Nordzucker AG can be found here .
At the constituent Supervisory Board meeting following the Annual General Meeting, Jochen Johannes Juister was confirmed as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Nordzucker AG. Helmut Bleckwenn was elected as deputy for the shareholder representatives and Sigrun Krussmann as deputy from the employee side. For Nordzucker Holding AG, Alexander Heidebroek was confirmed as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Eckhard Hinrichs was confirmed as first deputy chairman and Ulrich Langenhoff as second deputy chairman.