16 July 2022
Nordzucker attends the IdeenExpo 2022
Candyfloss stand, workshops, and a green sofa for the apprentice talk: Nordzucker’s activities were among the highlights of the IdeenExpo in Hanover.

At the Nordzucker stand, apprentices and trainers from all German factories were tirelessly at work. They explained to interested visitors how sugar comes from the sugar beet with the help of the self-built model factory, helped to make sugar bears and looked after a speed bike with which energy for a water pump could be generated and measured. There were long queues in front of the Nordzucker candyfloss stand on all days. In the accompanying Instagram photo spot, people posed enthusiastically with the orange candy floss.
In 80 workshops entitled “Sugar sticks – How does sugar come from the beet”, the trainees showed many school classes where sugar comes from and how sugar crystals are formed. Everyone found it exciting and around 800 pupils were able to watch their own sugar crystal grow.
The two presenters of the popular apprentice talk, Christian and Kevin, were guests on three stages with trainer Lars Wärmer and the green sofa and reported on training at Nordzucker. The green sofa of the apprentice talk turned out to be the secret star of the trade fair, as rows of visitors and exhibitors wanted to have their picture taken on it.
Thanks to the great commitment of the trainees, instructors, dual students and interns, Nordzucker was attractively presented at Europe’s largest youth event for technology and science. The IdeenExpo took place from 2 to 10 July in Hanover. With 425,000 visitors, Europe’s largest youth event for technology and science set a new record for attendance. Nordzucker has been a partner of this fair for years and will certainly be back at the next IdeenExpo.